Two pictures of how it feels to be loved by God

Here is a picture of my freind Louise hugging a baby. Now, don’t be confused: Louise isn’t God. I know that. She knows that and I’m guessing none of her friends hold Louise to be a deity.

But Louise IS a vicar and she posted this photo challenging us to share one photo to show why we love our job.

I LOVE this image (shared with permission obvs).

To me it speaks powerfully of how God loves me (and you). God holds me in a secure embrace, like he (she) will never let me go, (John 10:28) and the look on God’s face is one of utter enjoyment and delight.

But the baby’s expression is also a perfect expression of how I feel finding myself so loved: suprised, somewhat uncertain and even possibily a bit unwilling to find myself to be loved so much.

In the same week I saw this photo – I also saw a short clip about the power of one of Charlie Mackesy’s images. Charlie is the author of ‘The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse’ and he has just won an oscar.

I can’t post the video on this platform but I can share the link. It’s only a minute and half – take a look.

The image below is the one that so powerfully impacted a stranger in his home

For more info about Charlie Mackesy work, go to

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