Living Advent Calendar

We've had a fabulous local initiative started up in three streets near us: a living Advent Calendar. The idea is that every night from Dec 1st to 24th - a different house in these three adjoining streets reveals a window display around 6pm and invites their neighbours out on to their driveway to share in... Continue Reading →

Struggling towards the light

I have learnt a spiritual lesson from growing potatoes.  Just when they begin to show little green shoots just above the surface of the soil like this: you are supposed to dump another inch or two of soil on top of them! I was so excited to see these little shoots begin to appear, it... Continue Reading →

I’m a ‘sanctified Wally’

Is that anywhere close to 'Bonafide bonkers'? This week is wall to wall services if you are an Anglican clergy person: 4 services in the last 2 days and now a pause before the BIG day itself tomorrow. I'm feeling a bit 'bonafide bonkers' today. However, it was at the first of those services that... Continue Reading →

The Sea

I've never liked being out of my depth. I am a good swimmer and have swum in some awesome places including the Colorado River that carved out the Grand Canyon (with a life jacket, and a life line to the raft) but I find the idea of being a tiny individual bobbing about over a... Continue Reading →

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