Carrot Cake – Best Ever

Here's a recipe for an excellent carrot cake. 'Mega good and keeps for ages' I have scrawled next to the blotchy 'typed on a typewriter' (how quaint) recipe. It can't be that old it comes with metric measurements as well 9 0z/250g wholemeal flour 60z/175g raw brown sugar (dark) 3 size 3 eggs (I just... Continue Reading →

An easy way to healthy snacking

An article in this week's Guardian was brought to my attention by The Sophia Network saying that teenage girls have the worst diets in the country. Apparently the more time you spend reading diet magazines about taking care of your body the more likely you are to be drinking sweet fizzy drink and eating high... Continue Reading →

Chocolate Mayonnaise Cake

No eggs? No margarine? No problem. Make a 'chocolate mayonnaise cake'. You do need mayonnaise mind you (the clue is in the title). Is this good for you? No but it's fun and it definetely has a 'feel good factor' You need 10 oz self raising flour (yes, I know really old recipe with imperial... Continue Reading →

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