‘Nother Nativity Joke

A small boy forgot his lines in the Sunday School music and drama presentation. His mother, sitting in the front row tried to prompt him, gesturing and forming the words silently with her lips, but it didn't help. Her son's memory was blank. Finally she leaned forward and whispered the cue, "I am the light... Continue Reading →

Grumpy old woman? I hope not.

I recently found out that my Wii-fit age is 5 years younger than my actual age and a whole ten years younger than David's Wii-fit age.  Ha, ha! Ha ha! That makes me feel really smug. Sweet revenge for the fact that  his 'Brain Training Age' is alot younger than mine. But how old am... Continue Reading →

The ‘God’ Particle

My alarm clock radio woke me this morning with the news that scientists would today be attempting to re-create conditions at the start of the universe. Hmm, human beings re-enacting the ‘big bang’? Sounds pretty dodgy to me, let’s hope they know what they are doing.  What if they end up with a whole new... Continue Reading →

Jesus is Coming. Look Busy

The slogan above was on a greetings card bought me by a friend. Clearly it had amused her enough to buy it and it certainly amused me. I like anything that knocks our sense of self-importance for six.  And this slogan is clearly tapping into the guilty consciences of those driven by the protestant work... Continue Reading →

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