Be Joyful in Hope

On Wednesday evening as part of our Lent course, a group of us from church studied a passage from Romans 12: 9-21. In the CEV the chapter is entitled 'How to live the new life of Love'. How to... indeed... that is the question. This passage gets really specific. 21 instructions follow one after the... Continue Reading →

“Be Happy” – yes, but how?

Is it me or has anyone else noticed that we are being bombarded by lists of instructions to 'Be happy/Be creative/Be patient' at every turn. Here is one such list I saw for sale in shop whilst on holiday These lists pop up all over the place. Twice I've seen them on shopping bags (but... Continue Reading →

Rags to Riches

I confess I have left the whole Lenten self-examination thing a bit late this year but finally this week I've dragged my soul in front of a 360 degree mirror and it wasn't a pretty sight: bashed, bruised and attempting to sulk in  corner pretty much describes the situation. A series of demanding circumstances, a... Continue Reading →

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