Christmas in November

Yes, I know it's too early. Christmas is 5 weeks today and we've still got the whole of Advent to get through but I'm in a mood to celebrate. Many vicars dread the Christmas season and not without reason, it's a full on period with lots of extra services. But compared to this time last... Continue Reading →

“Be Happy” – yes, but how?

Is it me or has anyone else noticed that we are being bombarded by lists of instructions to 'Be happy/Be creative/Be patient' at every turn. Here is one such list I saw for sale in shop whilst on holiday These lists pop up all over the place. Twice I've seen them on shopping bags (but... Continue Reading →

Happy New Year! Ovey!

I am very late with my New Year Greetings this year but  not 9 months late, just 9 days. I meant to put this post up on Sept 1st which always feels far more like New Year to me  than January 1st ever does. Not alot changes in January apart from a number. Whereas in... Continue Reading →

Cockerpoo Puppy Parade!

We have recently been in touch with the other owners of puppies from the same litter as our beloved Bobby dog. So here is a slideshow of Bobby and his brothers and sisters!  The puppies are now 10 months old. Their dad was brown miniature poodle and their mum a black and white cocker spaniel. And what... Continue Reading →

‘Sex Life in Marriage’ 1948

A friend recently gave me a second hand book she knew I'd find interesting: Sex Life in Marriage by Dr G Richard, a swiss academic, published in 1948, selling at the time for the princely sum of  2 and 6 ( could some one please tell me what that means in real money?) Having written... Continue Reading →

The ‘God’ Particle

My alarm clock radio woke me this morning with the news that scientists would today be attempting to re-create conditions at the start of the universe. Hmm, human beings re-enacting the ‘big bang’? Sounds pretty dodgy to me, let’s hope they know what they are doing.  What if they end up with a whole new... Continue Reading →

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