The Immense Love of God

This post is about the immense love of God and how we make it smaller than it actually is. Thinking about the story Jesus told about the wheat and the weeds in Matthew chapter 13 (24-30, 36-43). I want to write about a love that encompasses all: a love that does not wish to reject... Continue Reading →

Take 6 bricks…

Jesus told a lot of stories and performed actions that were often all about how to make a lot out of not very much: the mustard seed of faith, the meal for 5,000 from a few loaves and fishes. If only Jesus had had Lego! I came across this extraordinary piece of information in Lego... Continue Reading →

Where is God in all this?

Whether it's the appalling human atrocities committed by Russian soldiers in Ukraine or the fear that families here are chosing between staying warm or being fed or the existential climate crisis (will we still have a planet fit for habitation in even 5 years time?) - the question above is the obvious one being asked... Continue Reading →

Scarred, Sacred and Scared

This is a reflection on three words that describe the whole world as we are currently experiencing it, with particular reference to the conflict in Ukraine, suggesting how a story from Genesis points towards the hope for all humankind. SCARRED This is the first word that describes the world as we experience it. Scarred means... Continue Reading →

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